Winsyntax 2.0

Free Winsyntax is a professional PHP code editor with syntax highlighting
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer Virus Free award
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Arisesoft Winsyntax is a professional PHP code editor with syntax highlighting helping you create dynamic WebPages for a site.
Arisesoft Winsyntax has support of brackets, highlighting, search of match and select of enclosed text options. You can drag and drop page tabs and with different coding you can search and replace text in the external files. # Code explorer for PHP-scripts - tree of the classes with variables and functions. You can highlight syntax using colors and styles of a font or several script languages in one document, customize the highlighting, new languages to be used, undo redo from history and also drag and open files from explorer.

Winsyntax supports the line kinds for PC/UNIX and encoding between ANSI-UTF8-KOI8. You have alerts for any outside change in a document and can select text by using columns-lines-symbols or convert tabulators to a series of spaces, gutter with numbering of lines of the text, resize the windows and minimize the tool windows. There is multi-document interface and you can auto indent the input line by the start position of the previous one.

With a lot more features you have to use to know them.

LS Senior editor
Luis Sanchez
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Good features


  • Highlighting is a little hard



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